LODGE 23: Minuted Meeting 17th May 1909.

Newry, 17th May 1909: UNION MASONIC LODGE No. 23, met at 8 o’clock p.m.
The Lodge was opened in form, on the Entered Apprentice Degree the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Thomas Martin presiding.
The Minutes of last Stated Communication, also those of Emergency were read, confirmed, signed & Lodge Seal affixed thereto.
Letter was read from Brother Geo. L. Walker enclosing cheque for 17/6 dues, and requesting his Clearance which was granted.
Letter was read from Brother Hill Rodgers, thanking the Worshipful Master and Brethren for the kind letter of sympathy sent him.
Letter was read from Worshipful Brother Geo. Auterson, with reference to the Rev. John M. Johnston who was initiated in this Lodge several years ago, and was returned to the Grand Lodge as a defaulter, was desirous of becoming reinstated in the Order, and if the Lodge would reinstate him, and on what condition.
Worshipful Brother D. Ferris proposed that we apply for amount due the Lodge when he was returned, and then we could recommend him to the Grand Lodge, which was seconded by Brother Kennedy.
Letter was read from the Secretary of Lodge No 60 Derry enquiring about the Character of Mr John Charles Davidson, drapers assistant, it was referred to the Inspection Committee.
Circular was read relative to a Small Column Publication by Worshipful Brother J.H. Porter Hatton, recollections of the Rev. James Porter with some Sermons, Illustrations.
Voting paper for the June Election of the Girls School, also Down Masonic Widows Fund, were referred to the Charity Committee.
Worshipful Brother D. Ferris appealed to the Brethren to do all in their power to try and get in the two Candidates we were running for these Elections.
Brother Flack, in feeling terms, referred to the death of Brother J. Greig Robertson, who died very suddenly in Dundalk and left his wife and family almost destitute, and asked if we could do anything for them. Worshipful Brother D. Ferris proposed and Brother Lyons seconded, that Brother Flack and the Secretary, along with our representatives on the Charity Committee, be appointed to look into the case and report.
Brothers Brown, Marshall and Gray signed & received their Grand Lodge Certificates.
The Lodge was then called up to the Second Degree and subsequently to the Third Degree, all Brethren not of that Degree having previously retired. Brother Macmillan was instructed in the Secrets of the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by Worshipful Brother D. Ferris assisted by Brother Matthews in a most impressive manner and saluted in Ancient form
The Lodge was then called down to the Second and subsequently to the First Degree.
The W.M. called upon the Brethren to Salute the Visiting Brethren.
There being no further business the Lodge was closed in Peace, Love and Harmony.
Dues Received: £7-9-6 Centenary: £4-12-6      
Thomas Martin: Worshipful Master James Ford: Secretary    
Brethren present are listed below.        
J. Williams P.M. Treasurer, J. Lord P.M. Secretary, W.Bro. F.C. Crossle, D. Ferris P.M., R.G. Mann P.M., Fred Ferris P.M., Wm McClean P.M.,
A. Henning P.M., W.H. Coleman P.M and Bros: J. Dickson, G.H. Ross, C. Gray, A. Macmillan, W.H. McKinty, W. Henry, J. Lyons, R.D. Stewart,
C. Brown, W.E. Matthews. W.R.H. Hennessy, Joe F. Marshall, Isaac John Pike.
Visitors were: Robt D. Kerr P.M. 80, J. Andrews 272